- An environmental scan to understand current information, trends and challenges.
- A City Summit to gather input and identify priorities – hosted in September 2024.
- Community and business interviews and hui to ensure diverse perspectives are considered and included.
- The creation of a City Leadership Group to provide ongoing guidance.
- Finalising the strategy in 2025.
What is a City Strategy?
Tō Tātou Tāone 2055 | Our City 2055 is a future-focused strategy for Lower Hutt. It looks 30 years ahead to guide our future. It brings together council, businesses, Mana Whenua, community organisations and residents to address challenges and opportunities facing our city.
Why is a City Strategy important?
The strategy aims to tackle issues like climate change, an ageing population, housing inequity, and infrastructure needs, while leveraging opportunities like our diverse population and thriving industries.
Is this just a Council initiative?
No, this is a city-wide effort. The strategy will reflect the voices of our diverse community, not just the Council.
How will the strategy be written?
Development involves many stages:
Who is leading the strategy?
Hutt City Council is resourcing and running the strategy development process. A City Leadership Group made up of leaders from various sectors, including Council, Mana Whenua, education, business, and social services, will oversee its development and implementation.
How can I get involved?
We’ll be holding public consultations at various stages. Register and keep an eye on this website to share your thoughts.
How are Mana Whenua involved?
Mana Whenua play a key role in shaping the strategy, ensuring it also reflects their priorities.
How does the City Strategy align with other council initiatives?
The strategy will serve as a guiding framework, supporting existing and future council strategies with long-term goals. This ensures our work meets our community’s needs and aspirations.
What happens after the strategy is finalised?
Once adopted, the strategy will guide decision-making across the city. Specific actions will be developed by the City Leadership Group to implement the priorities, with progress monitored and reviewed over time.