Introducing new dog exercise areas
Amending existing dog exercise and on-lead areas in multiple locations across Lower Hutt.
Fixing up the existing maps for accuracy.
New licensing requirements for commercial dog walkers to improve community safety.
A limit of four dogs per person in public spaces, with exemptions available.
Clarifications around summer dog restrictions on beaches.
Minor updates to improve clarity and alignment with the Dog Control Act 1996.
Completing an online submission at this link.
Filling out a paper submission at any Neighbourhood Hub.
Emailing policy@huttcity.govt.nz with ‘Dog Control’ in the subject line.
Dropping off a submission at Council’s offices (30 Laings Road, Lower Hutt).
What is the purpose of the Dog Control Policy and Dog Control Bylaw?
The Dog Control Policy and Bylaw help manage dogs in Hutt City. Their goal help promote dog welfare, highlight the rules around dog ownership, provide for dog exercise and prohibition areas, and to help avoid nuisance from dogs to the community. The Bylaw covers things like dog exercise areas and prohibition zones, controlling dogs in public, limiting the number of dogs per property, and setting accommodation standards. You can learn more about Council’s authority to make a Dog Control Bylaw in the Dog Control Act 1996, and our requirement to have a Dog Control Policy in the Act here.
Why is Hutt City Council reviewing both the Policy and Bylaw together?
Both the Policy and the Bylaw are legislatively required to be reviewed every ten years. They were conjointly reviewed in 2015 and are now due for review again. Council will run the review of both the Bylaw and Policy conjointly again to help save money and improve efficiency.
What are the key proposed changes?
The proposed changes include:
You can read about the suite of changes in the attached Statement of Proposal.
Why is Hutt City Council reviewing its Dog Control Bylaw again after only doing so earlier in March 2024?
In 2024, Council made changes to prohibition areas to meet the consent conditions for Tupua Horo Nuku (the Eastern Bays Shared Pathway). Now, as part of a required 10-year review cycle, the whole Dog Control Bylaw and Policy are being reviewed together.
What is the process for reviewing the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw?
As part of these reviews, Council wants community insight to help guide decision making. Once we have received feedback from the community, people will have an opportunity to speak at a Subcommittee hearing. The Subcommittee hearing will take place on 19 May 2025 before Elected Members make a final decision in July 2025.
Where can I read about the proposed changes?
You can read analysis of the early engagement results and draft changes to the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw at this link.
How can I have my say?
You can provide feedback by:
Consultation runs from 26 March to 26 April 2025.
Next steps
Once the consultation period is over, Council will review your feedback and hold a subcommittee hearing. If you indicate you’re interested in providing an oral submission in your written submission, you’ll be given an opportunity to speak to the subcommittee on the proposed changes to the Bylaw and Policy. The subcommittee hearing will be held on 19 May 2025.
When will the final decisions be made?
Council will consider all feedback and make final decisions in July 2025. The new Bylaw and Policy will be adopted at that time.
What happens if my dog is impounded by Hutt City Council?
If your dog is impounded you will be charged an impounding fee, and a daily sustenance fee for every day that your dog is in the pound. You can read about what happens if your dog is impounded here, and the impounding fees here.