Community invited to salvage a piece of Naenae Pool history

The demolition of the old Naenae Olympic Pool is soon to get underway, and Hutt City Council is inviting the community to own a piece of local history.
As the Naenae Pool rebuild and redevelopment of the town centre gets underway, the project team is aiming to reuse and recycle as much of the old pool and community hall as possible.
People who are interested in seeing the final list of salvaged items can express an interest by e-mailing:
Potential salvage list for Naenae Pool and Community Hall
Entrance Porch on the east side of the building and the details: the modernist style timber eaves, supported by slender columns/posts (a mid-century modern feature).
All solid wood and ledged doors and their operation mechanisms
All panelled and glazed doors and their operation mechanisms
Solid wood skirting along the floors
Solid wood floor of the ‘auditorium’
Clerestory windows and their operation mechanisms in the ‘auditorium’
The entire solid wood ‘stage’ with the floor, staircase, and railings
The ‘stage’ historic wooden false ceiling (with openable wooden panels to suspend props/lights) with the metal clasps.
Windows in the entire building with their operation mechanism
Electrical fixtures from the mid-century in the ‘auditorium’
Nosing on the entrance staircase
Metal grilles and grates around the building plinth
Roof gutters around the building
Door handles, bolts, and latches
Historic Wall heater
Power room /board
Wooden benches (seen outside)
Mid-century chairs (at least 3 seen)
Rimu bearers, joists and supports for auditorium floor
Wall spots from Auditorium
Windows and their operation mechanism
Glass fixed in various windows
Glass blocks used in fixed lights
Cast in situ concrete Diving Platform
Aluminium windows in the pool area
Aluminium fixed windows along the pool wall
Light fixtures along the pool wall windows
White glazed tiles along the pool walls
Ledged braced-battened doors
Brickwork where exposed
Nosing on the concrete stairs
Tiles along the edges of the pool
Door handles, bolts, and latches
Wooden benches
Historical Signage ‘Naenae Olympic Pool’
Historic Plaques
Time Clock Punch Card holders
Soda & Alum Mixer Bins
Historic Safety/Warning Posters
Main pool circulation pumps
Wood from seats around Learner's Pool
Wood from seats in Changing rooms
Glulam beams from both pool buildings
Hydro slide and poles
Pirate ship
Starter blocks to Main Pool
Q. Will everything on the list be available for the public.
A. While all of these items have been identified as worth salvaging, it’s likely not all of them will be able to be removed from the pool in a useable or safe state. We will also hold on to some of the items for re-use in the new pool. However we will make as much as possible available to the public.
Q. If more than one group is interested in items, how will you decide who gets them?
A. If more than one group is interested in items we will initially give preference to community and not for profit groups, particularly those in Naenae, and if needed we will hold a ballot.
Q. When will the items be available?
We’ll let anyone who expresses an interest know when things become available.
Q. Will there be a cost?
Some large items that are going to other projects may be charged for, but there will be no charge for items going to community or not for profit groups and members of the community.
Consultation has closed.