Managing parking across our city
Parking management across our city
Parking management plays a key role in making it easy to get around our city by foot, bike, car or public transport.
Council's replacing its 2017 Parking Policy with a Parking Strategy. The new Parking Strategy will provide a foundation and framework for the future development of Parking Management Plans. These Plans will assess parking management issues and challenges in local areas and make balanced recommendations.
The need for better parking management is driven by:
The growing population in our city;
Increasing housing density;
Reduced off-street parking;
The need to reduce car dependency and city congestion;
Addressing climate change; and
The need to improve mobility access.
The draft Parking Strategy will also provide a framework which aims to provide the right amount of parking, in the right place, at the right time and at the right price. You can read Council's draft Parking Strategy here.
Parking Management Plans will set out evidence-based proposals for changes to parking management in local areas for consultation with affected communities. We look forward to hearing from you on this important topic!
Consultation closes Tuesday 15 October, 5pm.