What is the Proposed District Plan?

    Following a full review and public feedback on a draft in late 2023, the Proposed District Plan is the updated rulebook for land use and development in Lower Hutt. It sets out what can be built and where, what activities need resource consent, and how we manage natural hazards, infrastructure, and environmental protection.

    Why is the District Plan being updated?

    The District Plan is being reviewed to ensure it meets current and future needs, including managing growth, responding to climate change, protecting our environment, and aligning with national and regional requirements.

    Do any rules in the Proposed District Plan take effect straight away?

    This is a proposed plan, and not all rules have legal effect. In general, rules will only have legal effect once council makes a decision on submissions relating to the rule, and the time for making appeals has expired. Rules that are appealed will not take effect until the appeal is resolved.  However, the Act provides for some rules to take immediate legal effect.


    The rules that are currently in effect are shown in the proposed plan with a red outline and a gavel icon. 

    These rules relate to the protection of historic heritage, and include heritage buildings and areas, Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori, and notable trees. 

    How can people find out what rules apply to their property?

    People can search their specific property address in the Proposed District Plan online to check which zone and overlays (such as natural hazards, infrastructure, and heritage) apply to their property.

    Can I speak to someone about the Proposed District Plan?

    Yes - our policy planning team is happy to help. They can be contacted at district.plan@huttcity.govt.nz or call (04) 570 6666 during business hours.

    How can I make a submission and is there help available to do that?

    People can make submissions by downloading the form at haveyoursay.huttcity.govt.nz and emailing their completed response to district.plan@huttcity.govt.nz. The requirements of the Resource Management Act mean that submissions on the Proposed District Plan must be made in a particular format to be accepted, so please follow the guidance if you’re not familiar with the process. 

    We are also providing a Friend of Submitter service from Emily Bayliss, who can advise on how to prepare a submission and participate in this process. Ph 021 0843 5559 or email fos@baylissconsulting.co.nz

    What happens after submissions close?

    After submissions close at 5pm on 4 April, they will be reviewed, and a summary will be published. There will be an opportunity for submitters to present their views at a hearing before final decisions are made.

    How does the District Plan relate to the Sustainable Growth Strategy?

    The Sustainable Growth Strategy is a vision for how we want Lower Hutt to grow and develop. The District Plan provides the rules to make that vision happen.