Narrowing down a preferred route...
As well as undertaking technical assessments to check the practicalty of all possible routes, we worked with key stakeholders to talk about the opportunites and challenges of the different options.
Things that we looked at:
- traffic volumes
- number of intersections
- variety of transport options currently being used
- sites of cultural, heritage or environmental significance
- how would it intergrate with future projects like Riverlink
- location of underground services like water mains, storm and waste water pipes and electrical cables
- the route makes sence as a direct connection to where they want to go
- will the route encourage increased participation in active travel choices (for all ages and abilities)
- intergration with the overall transport system
- does it offer an opportunity to enhance the image of the street and support the revitalisation of the city
- ease of construction
This map shows the various routes that were considered:
After that investigation phase we identified a preferred route of Birch Street & Waterloo Road (B).
Here's what we know:
- this route provides a direct connection to two schools, business and retail, and the planned Riverlink area
- there’s an opportunity to create a further connection to the civic precinct including the War Memorial Library and The Dowse
- it avoids the bus interchange on Bunny Street
- it is possible to improve pedestrian safety issues by adding safe crossing points at key spots
- opportunities to connect with Riverlink projects
- it has fewer intersections that bikes would need to cross
- less issues with vibration, and the road has less camber (compared to Knights Road) which makes it easier and safer to bike and scoot along
Here's some examples of what's possible:
- this route could offer improved footpath space, two-way bike lane, street tree planting and carparking
- Birch Street could become a neighbourhood greenway where bikes can share the street with vehicles in a 30km/hr area
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Consultation on this stage of the project has concluded. Please keep an eye on this page for updates.