The Vision

    Our vision is to provide a seamless transition from the Melling Skatepark to an upgraded Avalon Skatepark. Providing a skatepark facility that considers multi discipline features, caters for all skill levels and can be delivered within the requirements of the project.

    Why Melling Stakepark needs to move

    As part of Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (RiverLink) project the existing Melling Skatepark needs to be removed to make way for the construction of the new Melling Interchange.

    How Avalon Park was chosen as the preferred location

    Several locations in the CBD were investigated however none were deemed suitable, due to the impact on flood management, future stopbank and roading works, overcommitted greenspaces in the CBD, impact on the community, and lead times for securing new brown field sites.

    Avalon Park was deemed the strongest option as plans were already in place to upgrade the skating facilities under the park’s Reserves Management Plan. It is already a recreational destination with existing skate facilities and space for further development. It is also well served by public transport and has parking available.

    How can you be involved in the design

    At the moment we are asking for your input on the general ‘look and feel’ of the skatepark so the landscape architect can prepare draft concept designs, these will be shared with the public in the New Year.

    In early 2024, we will be asking for feedback on the specific features included in the skatepark, such as ramps, jumps and supporting attributes like water fountains or shelters. Your feedback will be assessed by a skatepark designer plus an advisory group made up of skate, scooter, roller sport and BMX experts to ensure a robust, multi discipline facility.