Government changes to allow higher and denser housing

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Consultation has concluded

Results of community engagement can be found in this report. 

The draft housing intensification change to the District Plan will be available for formal public submissions from 18 August - 9 September 2022.  Head to for more information on the plan and how to make a submission. 

The Government passed a law in late 2021 to allow housing up to three storeys high in most residential areas, without requiring council planning permission (resource consent). Council is also required to allow housing of at least six storeys within walking distance of our train stations, the CBD and the Petone commercial area. More housing (also known as intensification) will also be allowed in residential areas such as the suburban centres of Avalon, Eastbourne, Moera, Stokes Valley and Wainuiomata.

Council is only able to limit these requirements in specific circumstances such as identified natural hazard and heritage areas.

This law means a change to council’s work on the District Plan review that was already underway. The District Plan is the main document that sets the rules for managing land use and development within our city.

Council has voted to focus on making the necessary changes to the District Plan to include these requirements. This will enable Hutt City Council to make the intensification changes that are required by the government deadline of 20 August.

Council has prepared a detailed outline of what these changes will mean for Lower Hutt, with maps showing the areas where the changes may occur. We are now seeking feedback from the community and other interested parties on these changes.

Have your say

The new government requirements mean councils and communities can place fewer restrictions on development. However, there are still factors that the public can influence, and we would like to hear your views. For more information of changes and what you can influence click here.

Councils can’t restrict the government’s new housing rules, but with your input, we can adjust some of the building and development rules to ensure the best possible housing and environmental outcomes for Lower Hutt residents.

Note: While buildings would be able to be three or six storeys, it doesn’t mean they must be built to this height. Local demand will still have a significant influence on what is built. 

Consultation has closed. Council will consider feedback before releasing a proposed plan to the public for submissions in August 2022. 

Results of community engagement can be found in this report. 

The draft housing intensification change to the District Plan will be available for formal public submissions from 18 August - 9 September 2022.  Head to for more information on the plan and how to make a submission. 

The Government passed a law in late 2021 to allow housing up to three storeys high in most residential areas, without requiring council planning permission (resource consent). Council is also required to allow housing of at least six storeys within walking distance of our train stations, the CBD and the Petone commercial area. More housing (also known as intensification) will also be allowed in residential areas such as the suburban centres of Avalon, Eastbourne, Moera, Stokes Valley and Wainuiomata.

Council is only able to limit these requirements in specific circumstances such as identified natural hazard and heritage areas.

This law means a change to council’s work on the District Plan review that was already underway. The District Plan is the main document that sets the rules for managing land use and development within our city.

Council has voted to focus on making the necessary changes to the District Plan to include these requirements. This will enable Hutt City Council to make the intensification changes that are required by the government deadline of 20 August.

Council has prepared a detailed outline of what these changes will mean for Lower Hutt, with maps showing the areas where the changes may occur. We are now seeking feedback from the community and other interested parties on these changes.

Have your say

The new government requirements mean councils and communities can place fewer restrictions on development. However, there are still factors that the public can influence, and we would like to hear your views. For more information of changes and what you can influence click here.

Councils can’t restrict the government’s new housing rules, but with your input, we can adjust some of the building and development rules to ensure the best possible housing and environmental outcomes for Lower Hutt residents.

Note: While buildings would be able to be three or six storeys, it doesn’t mean they must be built to this height. Local demand will still have a significant influence on what is built. 

Consultation has closed. Council will consider feedback before releasing a proposed plan to the public for submissions in August 2022. 
Consultation has concluded
  • Summary of new rules and what you can influence

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    Councils can’t restrict the government’s new housing rules, but can adjust some of the building and development rules to ensure the best possible housing and environmental outcomes for their residents. Below is a summary of the new rules and where it is possible for Council to have some influence.

    What must be included in the District Plan What can be influenced

    For most residential areas, three dwellings per site and buildings of at least three storeys must be allowed (no resource consent required).This is subject to meeting the rules for:

    • Boundary setbacks
    • Recession planes
    • Site coverage
    • Outdoor living space
    • Outlook space
    • Windows
    • Landscaping

    Whether buildings of more than three storeys should be allowed without resource consent. This could encourage more development in areas with good facilities and infrastructure.

    Whether a certain amount of landscaping should be required on residential sites. Hutt City does not currently regulate landscaping but could require up to 20% of the site to be grass or plants.

    Whether a certain percentage of the building façade to be windows. Hutt City does not currently have rules for this but may choose to require up to 20% of walls facing the street to have windows.

    Whether any of the other development rules should be changed to permit more development
    For areas within a walkable distance of train stations, the CBD and the Petone commercial areas, residential buildings of at least six storeys must be allowed (although resource consent may be required).
    What is considered a walkable distance to and from Lower Hutt’s train stations, the CBD and Petone commercial areas. Whether this distance is the same in every direction or should it be different due to differences in terrain, traffic or accessibility etc.

    Whether buildings of four storeys or more in these areas are required to obtain a resource consent although the resource consent application would not be able to be open to public comment.
    For other areas surrounding suburban centres (such as Avalon, Eastbourne, Moera, Stokes Valley and Wainuiomata suburban centres) building height and density must reflect the level of access to community facilities and commercial services. For example, if a surburban centre has very limited transport links and commercial activity, six-storey housing would not likely be suited to the area.
    The building heights and densities that make sense in areas near our suburban centres, when considering the level of access to community facilities and services.

    Council is also looking at the following:

    • The contribution that developers should make because of the extra demands on infrastructure and community facilities, including parks and water, stormwater and sewerage pipes.
    • Other rules that should be added to the District Plan to support the increase in development (such as standards on stormwater management and earthworks).

    We are also interested in your views on these matters.

    In addition, Council is working directly with Mana Whenua on how the District Plan can be amended to provide for papakāinga housing, and what impact this new law may have on sites of cultural significance, marae and urupā (cemetaries or burial sites). Papakāinga are multi-dwelling developments that are established by, or in collaboration with Māori that reflect the customs and values associated with traditional living practices.

    To have your say on the new rules please fill out the feedback form.

  • Financial Contributions for developments

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    As part of implementing these new requirements, Council can review the contributions that developers make towards new infrastructure and facilities.

    There are two types of contributions a developer may need to make as part undertaking a development in Lower Hutt:

    • Development contributions, which are linked to planned infrastructure upgrades that benefit a wide area. These were reviewed in 2021 and are set for three years.
    • Financial contributions, which may be charged to help with unplanned upgrades to infrastructure that are required when new developments create too much pressure on existing infrastructure. This is currently set at $7500 per subdivision.

    Council currently requires reserve contributions, which are a type of financial contribution specifically for new reserves or upgrades to existing reserves (parks and green spaces). In some circumstances a reserve contribution may be in the form of a transfer of land to be added to Council’s reserves network, rather than being a monetary payment.

    To read the Council's current Development and Contributions Policy click here.

    To have your say on the new rules please fill out the feedback form.